Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Read All About It!

Continuing on the book and bookshelves theme from last week, I offer you a glimpse of some of my favorite bibliophelia. First is this great and economical take on wall mounted bookshelves from pearuhsaurus' flickr photos: the fruit crate! My only concern would be the added weight of the crates + books could be more than my walls could handle without serious support... 

This book console/bench, found on the design site Industrial Design Served would be ideal in my home office! I would prefer white & pink for a punchy bit of color but the concept is dreamy...

The next two images I've had on my computer in my "Inspire Me" folder on my desktop for several months now, and try as I might, I haven't been able to find the original source! If you know who's responsible for the following two brilliant ideas, I would love to give credit where it is so evidently due! 

Until next time, happy reading!


  1. how cool - i love displaying my books, and it's fun finding unique ways to do so!

  2. Thanks Mme. Frou Frou! I've always wanted a floor-to-ceiling library with one of those rolling ladders. A girl can dream...
